Experience the future with BLADE RUNNER: BLACK LOTUS — an Adult Swim and Crunchyroll original animated series inspired by the award-winning and critically lauded Blade Runner movie franchise, coming this fall. This thrilling thirteen episode series is directed by Shinji Aramaki and Kenji Kamiyama and produced by Alcon Entertainment and animation studio Sola Digital Arts, with Shinichiro Watanabe serving as a creative producer. Special thanks to our client SOLA DigiArts gave us this great opportunity to work on this thrilled project and we delivered 800+ shots animation in 3 episodes.
Client: SOLA DigiArts
Production: StealthWorks Taiwan
StealthWorks Taiwan delivered 800 shots of animation in 3 different episodes.
Producer: Jacys Cheng-Yu Lin
Coordinator: Anderson Han Yang
Animation Supervisor: Howard Chung-Hao Shih
Lead Animator: Joanne Huang
Animator: YI-SYUAN CHEN Ariel Hu YunLi Chung Wanrou Wu Jay Yu-Chieh Hsiao Meng-Ying Chung Cheaujye Ming Gary Zeng Cha Hong Yen Regulus Chang Lily Tsui YU-TUNG LU Mia Miew
Technical Artist: Kuang-Yu Lai Dave Chuang